Wednesday, February 9, 2011

No excuses!

Yay for me!! I am joining a gym!! I sent an email to my local gym last night asking about their membership prices (I wasn't hopeful, I was thinking that it would be out of our budget, as most gyms are). Suprisingly, turns out the gym is only $15 a week!! That includes monthly measurings (yay *rollseyes*), one free personal training session (which I intend to keep up in place of the one I had booked in before finding this place ;) ), group classes, gym time... And.... Drumroll...... CHILDMINDING!!! That is the best part of all! My husband runs his own business, and is constantly coming and going, so I can never book in anything as things always end up changing. So now, I don't have to rely on hubby being home to watch the kids while I go to the gym! I can go anytime :D
No excuses now!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

GP - General Practitioner or Getting Petrified??

I went and saw my GP earlier this week in the hopes of getting a bit of support from him. Be it weekly weigh ins, hints and tips or the like. Instead I got a massive reality check. When I mentioned the reason I came to see him was that I am obviously overweight, and in need of some help, he immediately replied "Gastric Banding is just for you".

What the GP said really scared me. I thought really?? Am I THAT obese?? Of course I know I am fat - I do own a mirror! But fat enough to warrent gastric banding?? Really???

I am not afraid hard work, and I want to do this my way - so I can take the credit for all the work, not some surgery!!

I have gots me a personal trainer now (woo!), and I feel like I am on the right track with my eating. I am yet to see a change on the scales, but hopefully that will come. Oh, and I also got a 'weightloss' crystal bracelet. I know what you are thinking, but hey, if it helps! ;)