Friday, July 19, 2013

So here's the deal..

I am a chronic over-eater. Ridiculously so! If I am bored, I eat. If I am tired, I eat. If I am happy, I eat. If I am sad.. I think you get what I am saying here. And I also drive around 3.5 - 4 hours a day to work. What do you suppose I do in that time? You guessed it.. Eat. You know what I realised the other day. I can't even remember the last time I felt hungry. Like really truly hungry. Sad huh?

Anyhow, so here's the deal. I am not going to embark on some ridiculous 'diet', or start exercising like a woman possessed. I am slowly going to adopt one or two healthy thing into my life every week. So week 1 - Run!! I live on a hill - a natural inclined treadmill!! Once or twice up and down my driveway a day won't kill me! And no soft drinks. Water only. And coffee.. That's just one thing I am not prepared to give up just yet!

Speaking of coffee, I ordered my usual at the new cafe that has been opened in our building at work.
My order "a large mocha please!" Cafe lady's reply "skim??"

Do you think she was trying to tell me something??? :D

Until next time

Sam xx

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