Saturday, June 21, 2014


Short post this week. Feeling good. 1 week in and  3.1kgs down. I have been working really hard this week. My mason jars have been delivered. Yee hoo!! So I will be heading down to the supermarket tomorrow night after work, and will be making up a weeks worth of salads.. Starting with taco salad and cobb salad. Yum! I can't wait to see how they turn out! I see my personal trainer on Tuesday nights. As weird as it sounds I am getting to the point where I really look forward to working out on a Tuesday! I just have to work in a bit more throughout the week. I already do a fair bit of incidental exercise.. Here's to getting a little bit more in. 

Anyhow, today's stats:
Height: 165cm (as if this will change!!)
Weight: 110.9kgs 

Until next time 

Sam x 

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