Saturday, June 28, 2014


Down again! When I think about it though, I definitely didn't deserve a loss. I have been quite sick late in the week, so perhaps that is what has kept the weight down. But the beginning of the week was a write off! I tend to do ok during the day, but dinner is always so hard! 

So my days this week consisted of:
Breakfast - Protein shake
Lunch - Salad or wrap 
Dinner - Eat everything in sight! 

Ok, so that is a slight exaggeration, but you get my point. So this week I am going to work on my portion control with dinner. I have breakfast and lunch covered, but dinner is another story. 

On the exercise front, I do ok! I actually enjoy working out. I have a personal trainer who I have been seeing for probably the last 5 months. She is definitely my biggest fan. She believes in me. Most days I think her belief is misplaced, but then other days I think 'yeah, I can do this!'. My motto is 'WWKS - What Would Kate Say'. Every choice I make, I think, what would Kate say? 

And on that note, I am off to make cupcakes! Luckily for me, I don't eat them - not a fan of cakes! 

Weight today: 110.3kgs
Total loss to date: 3.7kgs 

Until next time 
Sam x 

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Short post this week. Feeling good. 1 week in and  3.1kgs down. I have been working really hard this week. My mason jars have been delivered. Yee hoo!! So I will be heading down to the supermarket tomorrow night after work, and will be making up a weeks worth of salads.. Starting with taco salad and cobb salad. Yum! I can't wait to see how they turn out! I see my personal trainer on Tuesday nights. As weird as it sounds I am getting to the point where I really look forward to working out on a Tuesday! I just have to work in a bit more throughout the week. I already do a fair bit of incidental exercise.. Here's to getting a little bit more in. 

Anyhow, today's stats:
Height: 165cm (as if this will change!!)
Weight: 110.9kgs 

Until next time 

Sam x 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Back again version 2.0

So here I am.. Yet again. Near on 12 months after I last promised to get back on the horse, and stay on. Well, I fell off again, took the saddle off, threw it in the bin, and then sold the damn horse!

I am huge. I keep coming back to this blog to keep me accountable.. But it won't keep me accountable if I don't use it! I have set an alarm to update this blog every Saturday night (I know what you are thinking... What a party animal!! Blogging on a Saturday night?? Rock on!). So even if it is just a weigh in, well then at least it is something, which is ALWAYS better than nothing!

I need to do something drastic. But.. I DO NOT want to go down the surgical route. I feel like I can do this. All I need to do is 'Just keep swimming'. 

Every time I think about losing weight, the first think that springs to mind is 'how did I let myself get like this?' So easy to put on.. So hard to get motivated to even think about losing weight! 

A friend of mine introduced me to a blog this week called 'organise yourself skinny'. What a fab blog it is! I sat and read through it for an hour and a half - so many great ideas! One of which being mason jar salads. 

See organising my meals is my downfall. I work long hours, don't eat breakfast, and then pig out at lunch in the food court of our local westfields! So not only am I spending so much more money then is necessary, I am eating unsatisfying rubbish! So these mason jar salads seem like a really cool idea. I have purchased some reasonably cheap from eBay tonight. I am really looking forward to receiving them! 

In the meantime.. I am off to Pinterest to check out some mason jar salad ideas!! 

Today's stats:
Height: 165cm (like that's ever going to change! :D )
Weight: 114kgs (EEEEEEEKK!!)

'Til next time 

Sam x 

Friday, July 19, 2013

So here's the deal..

I am a chronic over-eater. Ridiculously so! If I am bored, I eat. If I am tired, I eat. If I am happy, I eat. If I am sad.. I think you get what I am saying here. And I also drive around 3.5 - 4 hours a day to work. What do you suppose I do in that time? You guessed it.. Eat. You know what I realised the other day. I can't even remember the last time I felt hungry. Like really truly hungry. Sad huh?

Anyhow, so here's the deal. I am not going to embark on some ridiculous 'diet', or start exercising like a woman possessed. I am slowly going to adopt one or two healthy thing into my life every week. So week 1 - Run!! I live on a hill - a natural inclined treadmill!! Once or twice up and down my driveway a day won't kill me! And no soft drinks. Water only. And coffee.. That's just one thing I am not prepared to give up just yet!

Speaking of coffee, I ordered my usual at the new cafe that has been opened in our building at work.
My order "a large mocha please!" Cafe lady's reply "skim??"

Do you think she was trying to tell me something??? :D

Until next time

Sam xx

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I need motivation.. STAT

Well look who's come crawling back again.. Yep. Me.

I have just logged back into blogger for the first time in 2 years.. 2 YEARS!!  And sadly,it's not to gloat about my fabulous new body, or even talk about how I am half way there.

Truth be told.. I am back at square one. Hell, I never left square one! I'm in the negative squares!

I am making it my mission to post at least twice a week.. I need to keep myself honest. Even if honest means admitting to eating a large McChicken meal AND 6 nuggets AND then picking at the kids leftover chips (Mmm hmmm.. been there several times before!).

Ok, so tonight was a kind of 'last hurrah' before I start my new 'lifestyle'. I will not call it a diet, because I always fail miserably with diets. And it's nothing unusual - it's sticking to fresh fruit and vegies, and trying to eat as unprocessed as I can. Clean eating seems to be the buzz word - and that seems to be what I am doing.

I am so serious about this, that I am potentially going to embarrass myself majorly here..

So here are my honest to goodness stats:

Height: 165cm
Weight: 110kgs (OMG??!!??!!)

I will update with measurements on my next blog post.. I seemed to have misplaced my measuring tape tonight!

So, here we go again.. Back on the horse, and hopefully staying on this time!

'Til next time

Sam x

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Forgive me Blog, for I have sinned..

It has been 2 months since my last confession.

Granted, a lot has happened in that time. But.. Well, lets face it.. They are all the same old excuses.

New plan of attack. One day at a time - Tomorrows goal - Drink 2L of water.

I can do this.

Can't I?????

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

No excuses!

Yay for me!! I am joining a gym!! I sent an email to my local gym last night asking about their membership prices (I wasn't hopeful, I was thinking that it would be out of our budget, as most gyms are). Suprisingly, turns out the gym is only $15 a week!! That includes monthly measurings (yay *rollseyes*), one free personal training session (which I intend to keep up in place of the one I had booked in before finding this place ;) ), group classes, gym time... And.... Drumroll...... CHILDMINDING!!! That is the best part of all! My husband runs his own business, and is constantly coming and going, so I can never book in anything as things always end up changing. So now, I don't have to rely on hubby being home to watch the kids while I go to the gym! I can go anytime :D
No excuses now!